Christmas! In the midst of many Christmas celebrations I pause to reflect on
the joy of the birthday of Jesus. Thank you, Father God, for your son. Life
would be empty and unfulfilling without your love in my life.
The days
before Christmas were spent with friends from school. We took a short 4 day
trip to Pai in north Thailand .
High in the mountains Pai a small artistic, hippie town filled with backpackers
and tourists. We rented motorcycles to view the beautiful scenery. I had never
driven such a vehicle. For only about $5 we rented the bikes for 24 hours. Even
the damage caused by a fall on mountain path was covered. Incredible. I also enjoyed
a 3-hour Thai cooking class. The mini-van trip from Chiang Mai was exhausting
and the return was all but safe. Our driver constantly rubbing his eyes and
downing energy drinks to stay awake, covered the 2 hour hairpin curved drive in
half the time than the driver did before. It was as if we were on a long
rollercoaster ride. But as you will notice we arrive “home” safe and sound.
Eve I attended at special buffet dinner with other international friends at a
luxury hotel in town. Christmas day is just relaxing at home and the “second
Christmas day” as celebrated in Holland
will be spent enjoying a dinner with several Dutch neighbors.
Despite all
the Christmas activities, it doesn’t feel much like Christmas. The weather has
a lot to do with it. My Dutch friends and family are enjoying below freezing
temperatures; I have almost summer temperatures….at least Dutch summer
temperatures. Missing family and friends is therefore less than expected.
Yesterday I got a wonderful Christmas package from my church with all sorts of
Dutch goodies. My Dutch friends here will gladly help me devour them. Next year
at this time I will be missing my Thailand friends.
As we
entered Chiang Rai I noticed that it felt like being at “home” with familiar
streets and stores. Interesting how quickly one can get accustomed to another
living environment.
Merry Christmas! Dank u, Vader God voor uw zoon. Het leven
zonder uw liefde zou leeg en onbevredigend zijn.
Kerstavond dineerde ik met andere internationale vrienden in
een luxe hotel in de stad. Zelfs de bedienden zongen ons toe met Engelstalige
kerstliederen. Kerstdag is lekker rustig thuis en de 2e Kerstdag
zullen de verschillende Nederlandse buren een maaltijd samen delen.
Ondanks alle kerstactiviteiten voelt het niet zo als Kerst.
Waarschijnlijk heeft het weer daar veel mee te maken. Terwijl in Nederland de
temperaturen onder het vriespunt dalen, ik geniet van voor Nederlandse
begrippen zomer temperaturen. Het missen van familie en vrienden is daardoor
wat minder scherp. Gisteren heb ik een kerstpakket van mijn thuisgemeente
ontvangen. Allerlei Nederlandse lekkernijen, heerlijk! De Nederlandse vrienden
zullen helpen om alles op te smikkelen. Volgend jaar deze tijd zal ik mijn
Thaise vrienden missen.
Toen wij gisteren Chiang Rai binnen reden, voelden het als
“thuiskomen”. Merkwaardig dat een mens
zo snel van thuis kan veranderen.